Friday, July 22, 2005

Long live the classics

Eazy-E, Radio mp3

Before Kayne rode tricycles, Usher knew how to poo-poo in the potty, and even before Puffy hit puberty, there was once Eazy-E. During the NWA era, the track I've featured today is off Eazy's first solo album, Eazy Duz It. There are hundreds of different types and styles of rap/hip-hop these days, you could spend hours on end trying to decipher exactly what the roots and influences that one particular artist may have grown up listening to. Well in the late 80s, all you had was a couple brotha's and 3 jewish dudes. Simple, mainly free form rap over simple bass lines and beats. That's all it took. Dr. Dre, NWA, Tupac, and I'll even throw in Snoop. I've not met one person that doesn't have The Chronic or Doggstyle. I'm actually a pretty big fan of a lot of different hip-hop that's out there today, but every once in a while you've got to throw the oldies but goodies that we all know by heart. Also, apparently Eazy-E fathered 7 children with 6 different women, so I guess he managed to pass just a little of his legacy.



Wesley said...


let's put it this way: if you liked rap, you would own the chronic and doggystyle.

where's the funk in your gravy?

Wesley said...

I'm going to guess that rod belding is alston.