Saturday, July 30, 2005

Metro Area

"Inspiration of Lust" m4a

I actually got a chance to see these guys (Morgan Geist and Darshan Jesrani) spin at SmartBar in Chicago before I moved away. The mp3 I am posting today is the full 80 minute set from the night the chi crew went to SmartBar and banged our heads. The disc I had this on was lost but after two moves and an assortment of scratches, I found the disc and immediately put it on my cpu. For those who haven't heard Metro Area, here's an idea of what's in store...

Metro Area brings back the soulful experimentation of early club classics, mixing live and electronic instruments. Simultaneously, the mood and minimalism of more recent dance music forms creep into the mix: Detroit's cold futurism, Chicago's abstract track-modes, and the warmth of New York and New Jersey's deep house.

I didn't feature Metro Area's album Dance Reaction on here but if you haven't heard this, get it!!! Every time I put that disc in (and Fabric 1-Craig Richards), I immediately think of the great nights I had in Chicago. I promise if you put on either Inspiration of Lust or Dance Reaction at your next get together, people will end up breakdancing on your coffee table. I've woken up many a mornings with severe neck pains all thanks to either of those discs.

A side note: the file I uploaded is a m4a file, which is the file used to play on your iTunes. I'm not sure how to transfer to a mp3 file, so if anyone knows please let me know and I'll re post the set. Otherwise, if you have iTunes you should be able to play it.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Beck- Guero

"Missing" mp3

It's a little harder in the digital electronic era (today) to truly measure an artist's evolution. With the internet having such a large presence in music distribution, it's a lot easier to get a hold of the latest hit or maybe some track from a few years ago that you haven't heard in a while. After the iPOD hit the market, I honestly stopped using Compact Discs unless I'm burning a data disc to transfer music from a buddy's iPOD to my own. The reason I bring this up is it seems that it's getting more and more difficult for artists to relay their album in its entirety to their listeners. Back in the day before the internet, most of the time you had to buy the entire album and you really didn't have a choice but to listen to the whole thing. Keep in mind, I'm excluding hard core music fans and superfans to any particular musician or band. There are too many loopholes in the marketplace and if you only want to pay $1 for that one track or even download it somewhere illegally for free, you can do it. I always try to listen to full discs a couple times even if a few tracks aren't so compelling. It's kind of the 'preciate cha' you're giving the musician.

Every once in a while you'll find a diamond in the rough. To qualify for this catergory, every single track (or at least all except 1) on the artist's release must be a somewhat memorable track. How easy is it to put in Pearl Jam- "Ten", The Beatles- "Abbey Road", or Beastie Boys, "Check Your Head" and comfortably listen to the whole album in its entirety?

Beck's latest album "Guero" has by far been my most listened to disc the past few months. It's completely different from his previous albums and his approach this go round definitely doesn't sound like a lot that's out there. All of the tracks feature originality yet the complete album blends together with the mysterious, spanish-like tone and offers a variety of styles and sing-a-longs. The track I've featured above is currently my favorite but I'm sure next week it will be another one off the release.

Monday, July 25, 2005

"The Wedding Crashers"- Rating: 6 out of 10

Since this is my first movie review, I'd like to preface the review and let everyone know that I always rate movies on a scale 1-10, 10 being caddyshack and 1 being caddyshack 2. Also, since some of my reviews *may* contain spoilers, if you haven't seen it, you may want to wait if you're dying to head to the theaters. If you don't care regardless, read on...

After all of the surrounding hype regarding this movie, I had to drag myself out to see it. I was actually looking forward to it, expecting another Old School or Bad Santa. The two Co-Stars of the film being the Frat Pack all stars at the moment, my expectations were high. I knew I wouldn't care two shits about any story, etc., I was just ready to have side-splitting nonsense about 2 dudes maowing box non-stop during wedding season. That's what I got, *most* of the movie. The movie had a lot of great one-liners and also a good amount of random, not-so funny jokes. I read another review that mentioned that the majority of the film was unscripted (as to the dialogues between wilson and vaughn) and it seemed that any random thought that Vince Vaughn would have was immediately sent to print. That worked both ways good & bad, in my opinion. After a handful of humor and almost 90 minutes into the film, I was hurting. I hadn't laughed in 30 minutes and I was waiting for the movie to end. Then, guest appearance by Will Ferrell (chas). Great move, may have saved the film. Ferrell plays super crasher Chas who has stepped it up a notch by bringing Funerals into the crashing equation. Almost near end, it woke me up enough to gander a few more laughs. Dropping F-Bombs at his mom and demanding meat loaf may have been the best scene in the movie. Overall, every scene definitely wasn't memorable, but enough for a few laughs and good one-liners. It probably wouldn't be a big deal if you waiting for DVD on this one.

Here are a few reviews I made over the past month for a handful of flicks.

"War of the Worlds"--
Rating: 5

Am I the only one that's sick of T-Cruise? Fuck this guy. The fucker slides around in his grippers 20 years ago and now chicks keel over when they see his 4'9" ass. He's part of some elitest religion that requires any member to have a $200 million minimum net worth in order to become initiated into the celebrity church. It seems too convenient that he managed to abuse Matt Lauer about useless rhetoric days before the release of his summer blockbuster. He's also managed to make Oprah cum on herself and sling a 5 carat rock to hotass he's known for 7 weeks. However coincidental that may
be, I still doubt the bulk to the breast. Don't piss on my leg and call it rain, T-Cruise. Anywho, I digress.

Right off the bat, Speilberg made a HUGE mistake by casting T-Cruise. Maybe they plug each other because I can't forsee any superstar director-movie maker casting someone like T-Cruise to play a lower to middle class construction worker. For god sakes it looks like he's got Da Vinci Veneers. What kind of crane controller has got a grill that you can see your reflection
in? Those dirtbags are supposed to have grills that could butter a whole loaf of bread. Moving on, the movie is exactly like
the original and lacks depth, plot, and point. Aliens just cruise around mauling peeps and then it ends. I won't even comment on Tim Robbins character which was seemingly the only way Speilberg could attempt to add some sort of meat to the heart of the film. If you are amazed by special effects or worship T-Cruises tired ass dome, feel free to enjoy 2 hours of just that.

Rating: 8

I don't hand out 8's and I was just trying to place the last film that I gave an 8 and I can't remember. Jim and I always talk about how they don't ever make movies like they use to. I didn't go see hostage in the theater because I thought maybe Bruce Willis had gotten old and in the way and this maybe was a half ass attempt to measure up to the Die Hard or Hudson Hawk(just kidding) days. I was wrong. From start to finish this was an overall very entertaining flick. Several Story lines, wide variety of characters, and a continuously guessing audience as to the ending. Bruce didn't say Yippie Kay-Yay Mother Fucker or anything but definitely worth the rent.

"Assault on Precient 13"--
Rating: 6.5

I ususally give average movies a 6, but I'll throw in another .5 for effort on this film. Do you think Ethan Hawke wants to be a cop? I bet he makes Pee-Wee Herman look like Mickey Mouse when he reads any script about a cop role. I'm not 100% convinced on his acting skills, but I like Lawrence Fishburne and the other dude (can't remember his name) that played the first suspect as Kaiser Sosze in Usual Suspects. They iced the hot bitch half way through the film, poor choice. I'm sure Ja Rule had a tough time at the casting call when he had to try out for the part as the "Imprisoned Gangbanger Criminal". Surprise appearance by Brian Dennehey, I think the last time I saw that dude it was in F/X 2. The ending was severely predictable and the last scene somehow ended up in a forest (the entire movie was in downtown Detroit) which I had trouble understanding.

"White Noise"--
Rating: 2

This whole movie revolved around a supposed real life theory called EVP. Electronic Voice Phenomenon is when dead fuckers communicate with the living over the radio waves or through a fuzzy television set. First appearance by Michael Keaton since multiplicity or Batman 15 years ago. Jesus, has he been picky about scripts or was he this desperate? This shit was awful. This whole movie was about dudes sitting in front or TVs and radios and thinking their croaked loved ones were trying to help them save other peoples lives of people that haven't died yet. Did that make sense? Didn't think so. So basically fuzzy reception of Alex Trebek or shitty reception of rick & bubba is really your dead grandmother summoning you to play superwoman and become the town hero. Then all of a sudden the movie turns into your typical ghost killing flick and thankfully ends abrubtly. If there's a gun to your head, don't watch this movie. I'd rather enjoy a 4 hour round of russian roulette than sit through this movie again. Hit the showers, Keaton.

"National Treasure"
Rating: 5

I really couldn't tell you about the fist 10 minutes of this movie because all I was thinking about was Neher when he ordered this at the bachelor party back in March. I wonder if he had his bowl of cereal and pajama bottoms when he ordered it? Not really a lot to talk about here, Nicolas Cage once again took an at best average role and ran around searching for lost
treasures that our four fathers hid for 200 years. Apparently no one for 200 years could ever figure out the clues and find the
treasure but the second Cage finds a clue, he recites a 5 page thesis that of course, takes him to the next clue. Yawn. The chick wasn't that hot either and there was waaay too much comic relief that wasn't funny. I really thought that the script was written by Barney or a Teletubbie. Nicolas Cage is a super cheese dick and aside from "Leaving Las Vegas", I'm really having trouble believing this guy is related to a coppola.

"Batman Begins"
Rating: 8

No shit, another 8. This movie was awesome. Directed by the same dude that did "Memento", BB got completely away from the past cheesy DC Comic characters/villans. Tim Burton did a great job directing the first two but BB remained unique and provided its own darkness and mystery that never went past any boundaries. Perfectly casted: Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, Katie Holmes and Michael Caine all did great jobs and there was just enough about everything you would
except to make this an all around good movie. Oh and you remember that old ass flick "The Hitcher" about that hitchhiker terrorizing the kid(Soulman) driving home? He was in it too. It also seems like they wanted to end it with the possibilities of a sequel. As long as they don't resurrect arnold's iceman, I'm happy. I'm also having trouble remembering the last 10 minutes of the movie due to Katie Holme's nip-shot through the white silk shirt she was wearing. I'm talking full pepporoni's. I'm already searching for the DVD marked box so I can watch "American Psycho" just to relive a few old times. Patrick Bateman is the man.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Long live the classics

Eazy-E, Radio mp3

Before Kayne rode tricycles, Usher knew how to poo-poo in the potty, and even before Puffy hit puberty, there was once Eazy-E. During the NWA era, the track I've featured today is off Eazy's first solo album, Eazy Duz It. There are hundreds of different types and styles of rap/hip-hop these days, you could spend hours on end trying to decipher exactly what the roots and influences that one particular artist may have grown up listening to. Well in the late 80s, all you had was a couple brotha's and 3 jewish dudes. Simple, mainly free form rap over simple bass lines and beats. That's all it took. Dr. Dre, NWA, Tupac, and I'll even throw in Snoop. I've not met one person that doesn't have The Chronic or Doggstyle. I'm actually a pretty big fan of a lot of different hip-hop that's out there today, but every once in a while you've got to throw the oldies but goodies that we all know by heart. Also, apparently Eazy-E fathered 7 children with 6 different women, so I guess he managed to pass just a little of his legacy.


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Never had one lesson

Flowerpot Men--"Beat City"

Summertime in Chicago is hands down the best city in America. Forget the humidity free, perfect weather for 3 months, but with all of the music, food, and plethora of street side events and activities to take advantage of, there's absolutely no way you can get board. I was able to enjoy a couple summers living in Chicago and it literally is like one big party every day. That being said, it's safe to say Chicagoans are going to lap up every freakin' milisecond they get during summer because during the other 8 months out of the year, the city is a polar icebox. Frozen boogers, ice everywhere, it even gets too cold to snow. I won't even bring up lake effect or wind chill. All things mentioned, if I was in high school and the forecast for one day in the middle of April was supposed to 75/sunny, I'd be fucking skipping school in a heartbeat!!!!

Ferris Bueller's Day Off is probably one of most memorable movies in the 80's that really had absolutely no point. Some kid skips school, drives his best friend's dad's ferrari, and gets chased around by Ed Rooney and sings in a parade. unreal. How the hell did this movie get funded? And on that note, why haven't movies like this one been funded since? It seems like they never make em' like they use to but I guess that's a different topic. Anywho, everyone remembers the scene where Cameron and Ferris pick up Sloan from school and they head downtown? Everyone remember's the "I love it when you, vroom, vroom!!" Yes, that's the link above. Memory lane rocks, enjoy the Flowerpot Men. You didn't think I'd miss out on a post today did you? What country do you think this is?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Raggasonic--Self Title Debut (1995)

"Original mp3"

Over the past 8 months, I've been on a serious Reggae kick. Pretty much anything near the genre I'll give it a shot. Whether it's drum & bass, dubs, roots reggae, or reggae rock, I want it. I've found a handful of kick ass albums while on my search. The Abyssnians, Dub Trees, Dub Specialists, Dub Syndicate, 17 dub shots from Studio one, and an old Bob Marley B-sides dub album that is amazing. Last but not least, Raggasonic. The album I have is the band debut, with many great tracks. Take a listen to the mp3 link above and enjoy.

Here's the track listing:

Les riches
Original featuring Desmond
J'entends parler
No money no friend
Aiguisé comme une lame featuring NTM
Poussière d'ange
Ainsi va la vie
Bleu Blanc Rouge
Légalisez la ganja
International featuring Desmond & Leaf-Nuts

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

This Bud's for you

The Rubinoo's,"Revenge of the Nerds"

For those who didn't know, I'm currently living in Birmingham and have just started a new job. It's strange because it seems I've almost come full circle having lived in Bham 2001-02 before my move to Chicago. Anyway, over the years I've encountered many different types of people and have had different groups of friends. Mainly speaking: high school, college, and my Chicago group. Coincidently enough, we've all got our own newsgroup and/or message board. Long story longer, it's been interesting to see the feedback after Day 1 of the blog world. This basically is my own personal newsgroup. I'll dedicate a few posts for the blind later down the road. Until then, my first installment will be an epic track from probably one of the best films from 1984, Revenge of the Nerds. So to all the Stan Gables and Ogre's out there, this bud's for you.

Monday, July 18, 2005

It's all coming clear...

Well after leaving my job in Chicago and getting back to hotlanta, I found myself embarking on a epic 9 month journey to the alter. I think this picture is fitting as it was taken on our honeymoon in St. Lucia and marks the end to all planning jargon. I also wanted to use this pic to launch this blog which will be my blog of life. I've got a few different ideas I'm chewing on, but I'm planning on posting all kinds of things. So stay tuned and check back to velvet pants any time you get an itch. In addition, please check out the side links to some of my friends sites for some chill downtempo, house, and hip hop sets all a few clicks away. I intend on keeping the sites list plentiful and encourage any suggestions you may have.


First and Foremost...

I wanted to create this site so I could share new music, make suggestions to help shake your pants, discuss basically anything, and post pictures for interested parties.