Monday, August 22, 2005

Are you ready for some football?

In a short two weeks, it's that time of year. And now that I've moved 2 hours closer to my alma mater, I felt obligated to post a pre-season thought or two. Let me start by saying that all college pre-season rankings are complete bullshit. Aside from maybe the top two or three teams, it will undoubtedly have significant change within the first month. I remember back in my college days when the tide was pre-season ranked #2 and we ended up going 3-8. sweet. Who the hell were the experts that pre-season? They obviously didn't take into factor simple things such as coaching, which, I probably could've gone out there and done a better job despite the fact I was at the Booth most of the time. Self-cancellation on all responsibility during the middle of the week in college was always called for. Damn drink specials. Anyways, it's definitely safe to say that Saturday afternoons are about to get a lot more entertaining. and sundays for that matter. go damn coons. A good pal decided to purchase the booth in T-town and has completely turned the bar around into a class-skipping haven for tiders to drop all of their parents loot at before any other bar on the strip. Dare I say starting spot for the Fall? The tide's schedule this year at home includes arkansas, tennessee, florida, lsu, and southern miss. Hell yeah!! Unfortuantely, I may have to make a trek or two down to auburn (the wife) for ga tech and more importantly, the iron bowl in November. Anyways, no reaon for the post but T minus 12 days and it's on...

ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Wesley said...

who's your team again?

oh yeah, princeton.

go I-AA Tigers!!!